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ONMAT revolutionises High School
mathematics with an exciting hands-on,
experiential approach.



Discover the full
potential of ONMAT

ONMAT is a meaningful hands-on, skills-based mathematics programme that features a wide variety of activities, materials, resources and learning opportunities, with a problem-solving environment that invites learners to ask questions, speculate, discuss, communicate and represent to find solutions and encourage knowledge transfer.

Sequenced course overview

Quarterly content structured in microunits with short-term, motivating and obtainable learning goals (steps).

Access to all courses

Personalise your learning experience even further with access to the full content of Year 7 - Year 11.

Printer-friendly version of ONMAT

Your students will also have access to a printer-friendly version of the programme to be able to complete their sessions without the use of digital devices.

Ready for the
real world

Contextualised, hands-on activities designed to solve real-life situations and associate math skills.

Clearer programme with easier access, more resources and greater integration

ONMAT has remade itself to better adapt to today's
classroom, incorporating new functions and enhanced digital processes.

Easier access to activities, integration with your standard tools, three-step
sessions for building and developing mathematical content, teacher’s guide
for beginning courses, and much more.

Would you like to learn more?